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Omniscient AI is Coming to Your Contact Center: Announcing QA-GPT by Level AI

Automate Your Sampling Process with Workflows

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  • QA managers regularly ‘sample’ conversations where they pick a set of conversations from across the contact center and assign them to Quality Analysts/Auditors (QA) to evaluate agent performance and support quality. But, the process is highly manual as it requires QA managers to manually choose filters or parameters to fetch conversations for sampling. Also, it is difficult for the QA managers to see the progress of the QAs to whom they had assigned conversations. 

    Level AI makes the process easy with our “QA Case Assignment” feature. The feature allows QA managers to set workflows that will automatically ‘sample’ conversations from a sea of support conversations and assign them to QA auditors in the team. QA managers can create multiple workflows that would sample conversations fulfilling various criteria. 

    For example, a QA manager can create a workflow to sample ‘10 billing-related conversations’ at the beginning of each month and assign it to QA1 and create another workflow to sample ‘5 conversations with customer dissatisfaction’ each week and assign it to QA2 and QA3. 

    To get started with Sampling, the first thing you need to do is create a workflow rule. 

    Creating a Case Assignment Rule

    To create a rule, follow the steps mentioned below: 

    • Log into your Level AI account and head to Settings > QA Case Assignment
    • Click on the New Rule button present in the top right corner. 
    • In the screen that follows, you’ll provide the necessary information to create a workflow for sampling conversations. 
    • To start with, provide a name for your rule. A good practice is to mention the type of conversations you’re sampling. This will give a good idea to others who’re looking to create rules from this section. 
    • Set the frequency at which you want the sample to be generated. You can choose between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly
    • In the next section, you can choose conversations involving one or more agents or groups. 
    • You can also add conditions to filter out specific conversations involving agents or groups. You can filter conversations based on multiple parameters such as call type, channel, category, call duration, and so much more. 
    • You can group multiple conditions and use the AND/OR to filter out conversations. You can also create multiple condition groups by clicking on the + Condition group option to narrow down your search. 
    • The last and final step before enabling the workflow is to assign the sampled conversations to a QA auditor(s). You can use the dropdown to choose QA auditors. 
    • You can see the summary of your workflow on the top right corner of the page. 
    • After filling all the necessary fields, click Save and Enable
    • Once enabled, you can see your new rule in the QA Case Assignment screen. 

    Note: The due date for evaluating the sampled conversation is based on the frequency chosen while creating a workflow rule. If the frequency is daily, then the due date is 24 hours. If it is weekly, the due date is 7 days from the date of the assignment and for monthly the due date is 30 days. 

    Editing and Deleting Rules

    You can use the options icon next to each rule to edit or delete a rule. 

    Task Queue

    Once the workflow is created, conversations will be sampled and sent to the respective QA auditors at periodic intervals (daily, weekly, or monthly) and QAs will be notified about the allocation. QA auditors can use the Task Queue to view the conversations that are assigned to them. 

    On the other hand, QA managers can also view the list of conversations assigned to QAs in their team and track their progress. They can also reassign conversations, change their due date or delete a conversation from a QA auditor’s Task Queue. 

    Both QA managers and auditors can access the Task Queue from the dashboard. 

    Managing Sample Conversations using Task Queue

    If you’re a QA auditor, you can view the tasks assigned to you from the Task Queue. 

    To access the Task Queue, head to the dashboard and click on View Pending Evaluations, you’ll be taken to the Tasks screen where you can see the list of assigned conversations and their status. 

    To evaluate a conversation, click on the Convo ID and you’ll be taken to the evaluation screen. You can use the navigation on the top of the conversation screen to switch between tasks. 

    Tracking QA Auditor’s Progress 

    If you’re a QA manager, you can view the progress of each QA auditor from the Task Queue. Once you’re in the Tasks screen you can use the QA auditor dropdown to select QA auditors and view everything right from the number of conversations assigned to them, the due date by which they’ll have to complete the evaluation, and the status of each evaluation. 

    You can click on the options icon (three dots) next to each task to reassign conversations to a different QA auditor, change the due date that was set for evaluation or even delete a conversation from the queue.