Blog / Agent Assist

Conquering Complex Calls with Agent Assist: Real-Time AI Solutions for Every Agent

Last updated:
May 9 2024
Agent Assist
Blog /Agent Assist / Conquering Complex Calls with Agent Assist: Real-Time AI Solutions for Every Agent

The contact center is a dynamic environment where agents handle numerous complex customer inquiries each day. They navigate through a variety of issues and manage escalating emotions, a challenging task even for the most experienced agents. Imagine enhancing their capabilities with an AI tool like Agent Assist, which provides real-time support, automates routine tasks, and supplies relevant information throughout customer interactions. This tool empowers agents to effectively manage calls, improving their performance from day one.

The complex challenges of the Call Center

Modern customers demand fast, efficient, and personalized service. They come equipped with information and expect solutions tailored to their specific needs. When they reach out to your customer service by phone, they anticipate a human-level interaction and aim to resolve their issues during the call. This expectation places significant pressure on agents to:

  1. Retain vast amounts of information: From product details and internal processes to the latest promotions and troubleshooting steps, agents must possess a near-encyclopedic knowledge base.
  2. Think on their feet: Customers rarely follow a script. Agents need to adapt to unique situations, analyze problems in real time, and formulate solutions on the fly.
  3. Manage emotions: Frustrated customers can be challenging, requiring agents to remain calm, empathetic, and professional, all while efficiently resolving the issue at hand.
  4. Non-visibility of Managers: In the traditional contact center, managers often operate in the dark when it comes to live calls. There's a lack of real-time insight into how conversations are unfolding making it difficult to provide timely support to agents. Hence, agents have to manage all high-pressure situations by themselves, without proactive support from their managers.

Level AI Agent Assist: Your AI-powered Ally

How does Level AI address these challenges? Level AI's Agent Assist acts as a co-pilot and trusted advisor, equipping agents with the tools they need to handle complex customer interactions confidently. It's like having an experienced guide providing strategies and support during each conversation.

Instantaneous Knowledge at their Fingertips: Forget frantic searches through endless documents. Agent Assist acts as a personalized search engine, instantly surfacing relevant knowledge base articles and information based on the context of the conversation. It's like having a librarian who knows exactly which book you need the moment you need it.

Manager Assist: Managers today have zero visibility on what’s happening live on calls. I.e. if a call is going south or if agents are following the scripts and exhibiting the right behavior. Agent Assist equips managers with a real-time dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of contact center operations. The dashboard provides a clear visual representation of the status and health of each call, allowing managers to instantly identify calls that require attention. Hence, Managers can track individual agent performance metrics, including adherence to scripts, compliance with regulations, and customer sentiment scores. Moreover, they can take action by whispering advice to the agent, initiating a coaching session, or requesting proactive escalation.

Chat with your Knowledge Base: Chat with KB transforms the way agents access knowledge during live interactions. With a simple query, agents can instantly access LLM-generated answers sourced from across the knowledge base, eliminating the need for cumbersome searches and allowing them to focus on the conversation at hand. Here’s what the agent of a large financial company has to say about “Chat with KB.”

“Member needed obscure information to do a surgical bypass, and I was getting nowhere when searching in KB directly. Tried this AI, and after a short chat, it gave me a step-by-step on how to get the information. Probably saved us 20 minutes of having to escalate to others.”

AI-Powered Summaries: Imagine having a personal assistant who listens attentively to every conversation and then provides you with a concise, easy-to-understand summary. That's precisely what Agent Assist's generative AI capabilities offer. By understanding the nuances of the conversation, it automatically generates summaries in a consistent format, eliminating the need for agents to spend precious time manually capturing key details. This saves time and ensures accuracy and consistency in your records.

Slashing Wrap-Up Time: The time spent after each call wrapping up notes and updating systems can significantly eat into an agent's day. Agent Assist acts like a time-saver extraordinaire, reducing wrap-up time by over 50%. With AI-powered summaries and streamlined workflows, agents can move on to the next interaction quickly and efficiently, boosting their overall productivity and allowing them to focus on what matters most - serving customers.

Real-Time Transcripts for Enhanced Recall: Ever wished you had a photographic memory during a complex customer interaction? Agent Assist provides real-time transcripts, acting as a readily available reference point for agents throughout the conversation. No more struggling to recall specific details or asking customers to repeat information. With the entire conversation readily accessible, agents can stay focused, informed, and equipped to provide the best possible service.

Seamless Customer Experience: By combining timely hints, reminders, next-best-action recommendations, and relevant knowledge base information, Agent Assist empowers agents to deliver a seamless and exceptional customer experience. From resolving issues efficiently to providing personalized recommendations, agents have all the tools they need to create positive interactions that build customer loyalty and leave a lasting impression.

Why Level AI over other “AI” solutions? While the market is saturated with various “AI” solutions, Level AI stands apart with its unique capabilities and industry-first features designed to truly elevate your customer experience and agent performance. Here’s what sets us apart:

1. Pioneering Generative AI for Actionable Insights: Level AI utilizes industry-first generative AI technology to provide consistent, structured, and concise summaries of customer interactions. This goes beyond simple transcriptions, offering actionable insights that empower you to understand customer sentiment, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

2. Superior Intent Understanding with Proprietary NLU: Our proprietary Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technology goes beyond basic keyword matching. We delve deeper into the context and nuances of conversations, leading to a more accurate understanding of customer intent. This translates to a higher signal-to-noise ratio, ensuring you focus on what truly matters - resolving customer issues and improving satisfaction.

3. Context-Aware Actions for Enhanced Efficiency: Level AI provides deeper context by incorporating transcript snippets, allowing you to take targeted actions. You can whisper advice to agents in real time, initiate coaching sessions based on identified areas for improvement, or proactively escalate complex issues, ensuring timely resolution and a smoother customer experience.

4. Knowledge Base Integration with Intent-Based Search: Unlike solutions that rely on basic keyword searches, Level AI understands the content within your Knowledge Base based on intent. This ensures that the right information is pushed to your agents at the right time, empowering them to resolve customer inquiries efficiently and accurately.

Level AI is not just another “AI” solution; it’s a customer intelligence platform built to transform your contact center experience. Our generative AI-driven technology industry enables you to deliver exceptional customer experiences while optimizing efficiency and agent performance.

The Result? Empowered Agents, Delighted Customers

With Agent Assist by their side, agents transform into customer service champions, leading to a cascade of positive outcomes:

Lightning-Fast Resolutions: Equipped with the right information and guidance, agents can handle inquiries with speed and precision, reducing call handle times and leaving customers impressed with the efficiency.

“We’re seeing a ~10% drop (almost half a minute) in First Call Resolutions (FCR).”

Improved First Call Resolution Rates: Agent Assist's ability to provide the right knowledge at the right time empowers agents to resolve issues on the first contact, eliminating the need for frustrating callbacks and leaving customers with a sense of satisfaction.

“Agent Assist has helped me reduce Average Handling Time (AHT) by 20 minutes."

Enhanced Agent Confidence: The support of AI empowers agents to tackle even the most challenging calls with confidence, creating a more positive and productive work environment.

"I don't have to go find the information; the information comes to me and helps me resolve customer queries faster."

"summaries help me cut down on wrap-up time, and it's 80-90% accurate. I love it!"

Elevated Customer Experience: Personalized, efficient, and informed service interactions cultivate a superior customer experience, building loyalty and turning customers into passionate advocates for your brand.


Level AI's Agent Assist is more than just a tool; it's a strategic partner for your contact center. Give your agents the power of real-time AI and watch them transform into customer service superheroes. Connect with a Level AI expert to learn more about Agent Assist.

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Your customers will thank you for it!


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